Grudge | Tips to Stop Holding a Grudge

Grudge a type of strong feeling of anger or dislike for a person who you feel has handled you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time. People find it confusing about holding a grudge, they are not clear about it. Often we hold onto our grudges angrily, while wishing we could leave them and live freshly and peacefully in the present. To release and let go of the heavy, negative baggage a person needs to be emotionally and mentally strong. Here are some reasons why a person holds a grudge against an individual. 1. You feel you have been used by him and not given things name you wants or you deserved. 2. You are not able to close the fear of losing your identity and you always try to protect them from others. 3. You hold a grudge to show someone how badly they hurt you by their actions 4. The revenge you wants from someone who has oppressed you. 6. The anger you hold for someone and not able to let it go. Professio...