
Showing posts from October, 2020

Best Counselor Quotes

Beautiful  counselor quotes  and therapy quotes will encourage you to talk, open up and engage in self-reflection through therapy and counselling, leaving the stigma associated with various mental health issues behind. Scroll down to read more.  BetterLYF counsellor delivers better recovery rates than standalone resolution providers. BetterLYF is not a simple marketplace of counselling services but offers confirmed process with the goal-based approach. BetterLYF online counselor focuses on making your journey as smooth as possible and make counselling a great experience for you. We got a fleet of trained and professional  counselors  and based on your needs and situation, your therapist/psychiatrist/counselor will suggest a course for you. We care for your mental wellness and wants that you be the best version of yourself. We provide Online counseling for depression, breakups, work stress, anxiety, relationship Problems, marriage, parenting challenges and more. ...

Best Islamic Quotes

Top Inspirational Quotes on strengthening your Islamic faith Read best and beautiful Islamic quotes, obtained by verses from Quraan. Beautiful Islamic Quotes about life and holiness also help in positive mental health. They try to improve strength and resilience helping souls to act in ways that will benefit them in life. Scroll down to explorer these beautiful Islamic quotes.  Best Islamic Quotes ولا تهنو ولاتحزنوا.. سورة آل عمران: ۱۳۹ Do not lose hope, , nor be sad Quran 3:139   ى * AND HE FOUND YOU LOST AND GUIDED [YOU], SURAH AD-DUMAA | AYAH 7 إنه كان بي فيا My Lord has always been kind to Me. Quran 19:47 "Your friend is the one who mentions Allah to you in your presence and mentions you to Allah in your absence." كن فيكون Never think that any request you have is too much for Allah. He says: "BE" And it is. Just remember, First step into Jannah and you're going to forget everything you're upset about. إذا تم العقل قض الكلام The smarter you get the less y...