How Can We Communicate Better?

Good communication requires a balance between talking and listening so that both individuals can feel listened and understood by each other.  Good communication also involves clarity in communicating the message, knowing and also conveying respect when there are differences in opinion.  Many relationships would be better if both associates reminded themselves that they are on the same side and this can be only possible by healthy and balanced communication. Here are some of the best way to communicate better in a relationship.

1. True listening requires a setting aside of oneself and most of us do not accept to understand this simple thing, we listen with the intent to reply. We are constantly in a hurry to put first our points without allowing the other person to affirm their beliefs. Also, we should remember that when we talk we are just copying what we already know but when we listen we acquire an opportunity for growth and learning. So be a good listener.

2. We need to be open-minded to hearing a viewpoint that is different from ours to understand what the other person is trying to communicate. We react sooner if there’s a deviation of opinion. We need to be more accepting. Recognition makes us less defensive and more knowledge and accepting towards others.

3. If someone has done something good then its best to appreciate that. If we have been always probing then we need to change our strategy towards communication. Appreciation is a medium that wins the other person and makes them feel like they are worried about.

4. People often do mistakes playing the role of a multi-tasking person while having a conversation. When you communicate with someone it is best to set aside everything else. It shows that the person is your priority at that time and that he/she has your full attention.

5. Do not take on an accusatory tone even if you are talking about each other’s scarcities. Any form of complaint makes us guarded and less responsive. So be generous while talking with your spouse.

6. Body language is a universal way to express yourself, allowing you to communicate without words. When you are taking with your spouse then pay attention that the words and body posture matched. Body language got the power to keep the romance alive or killing the relationship.

Hope with help of these tips you can communicate better with your spouse. If you find it difficult to talk or having trouble in a relationship then you can reach out for the help. Take profession relationship counselling and improve your current situation of relationship.


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